sophia akash foundation

  • Design
  • Development

User-friendly WordPress Development & Marketing for Charity

  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Print Design
  • Pro Bono
  • Email Marketing

Sophia Akash Foundation is a registered charity who support social enterprises that are driven by sustainable impact. They help them achieve sustainability, scalability and replicability.

To be able to showcase the good work that they do, Sophia Akash Foundation needed marketing materials to take to events and a website that reflected the good work they do. The website needed to be built in a way that they could cut down costs by being able to manage it themselves.

The Challenge

Sophia Akash Foundation didn’t have any marketing materials to show to people at events. They would book a stand to exhibit, but blend into the crowd and people wouldn’t even notice them. This made it very difficult to get donations.

The charity staff found it very difficult to keep donors up to date due to how complex the site was built. It required three environments to work on for them to make any basic changes and it required technical know-how.

The Solution

We created a 10-page brochure which essentially compiled their entire website into a booklet and had them saddle-stitched with a glossy finish. We also created a roller banner which was eye-catching and immediately caught people’s attention at the event.

This was a last-minute request from the foundation, and we were able to turn all this around within 2 working days and had final assets delivered to the event.

We then helped convert their website into a user-friendly, responsive WordPress site which made it easy for members of staff to use and edit. The website is equipped to take donations and they are now able to collect the email addresses of donors and others who are interested in supporting the charity and have it automated to their CRM. They can then use this database to create email marketing campaigns and therefore increase donations.

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