Referral Scheme

We pay you to show us some love

Here at N0BS Agency, we’ve always been lucky enough to have clients referred to us. These clients seem to be the best fit for us, as they’ve usually been referred by a previous client who is happy with our work, or someone else who knows the quality of our work and service.

Therefore, we have decided to create a referral scheme which directly rewards those who have been so kind to us.

how it works

You introduce a potential
new customer to us
The customer signs a contract with us to do business
You get paid
once we’re paid

the numbers

It’s very simple: you get 5% of whatever the value of the contract is.

e.g. If the contract is £10,000 for the service agreed, you will get £500 just for introducing that client to us.

It gets even better with retainers; you get 5% on retainers each month for a whole year.

e.g. If you refer us a client who signs a £3000 per month marketing contract, you will get £150 per month for the duration of the contract, up to a maximum of 12 months. That’s potentially £1800 for that referral.

Think you can refer us several clients?

Then you get DOUBLE the referral fee!

That’s right… for our regular referrers, we double the rate to 10%! This kicks in once you’ve referred over £50,000 of business to us.

The terms

All referrers are required to sign a standard affiliate agreement which state the terms of the referral programme in detail.

Referral payments will become eligible once the referred project is complete and payment has been received in full by N0BS Agency. The referrer will be notified of the contract value and the fee they should invoice for. Invoices will be paid within 30 days of receipt.

N0BS Agency reserves the right to terminate a referral contract at any point should they feel that the referrer is abusing the programme or is referring too many poor quality leads.

want to become a referral partner

We only want to partner with those who respect our values and think they can find clients who would appreciate our work and enjoy working with us.

If that’s you, then please fill in the form below and we will schedule in a quick call with you to see if we’re a good fit.

let us help